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October Tarot Reading | Recalibrate in the Face of Upheaval

The Star | hope, peace of mind, generosity, authenticity, inspiration, peace

Justice | decisions, karma, justice, integrity, cause and effect

9 of Cups | bliss, wishes granted, desire, gratitude

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

~ Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

October arrives like a deep breath after the storm of eclipse season. The collective energy feels rattled, as if the ground beneath us has shifted - because it has. Navigating October’s energies will require us to lean towards hope, realignment, and finding peace in the midst of a world that feels anything but peaceful. The veil between worlds thins now, and we are reminded that even in times of chaos, the universe continues to move in ways that support our growth and transformation, if we’re willing to see it. With so much uncertainty swirling in the world, The Star shines as a guiding light. The most common phrasing for this card is hope is present even in the darkest of nights. And I find it funny that I only seem to pull this card for collective readings during what feels like the absolute worst of times in the world...

The Star is the card of renewal, of finding our center - our true north - again (and again,) and this October, its presence signals a time for recalibration. It encourages us to lift our gaze towards the future, with faith that our path will be illuminated, even if we can't yet see the full picture, and maybe won't for a bit of time...

The Star brings the promise of renewal and healing, encouraging us to anchor ourselves in faith, even when the path forward seems unclear as we sit within the ‘eye’ of a storm.

Even when everything feels chaotic, there is always a thread of hope that we can cling to.

But it is important to remember that hope is not often granted or just given, it is cultivated through rest, recalibration, gratitude, and creativity.*

Accompanying The Star is Justice - a card of balance and truth. A combination that indicates that what is in the shadows and darkness coming in to light.

October will invite us to confront any imbalances in our lives and to collectively witness them on the greater stage - particularly those that have gone unaddressed for too long. In many ways, this is a reckoning—a chance to realign with what feels right and just for our soul’s journey. It’s a call to examine where we’ve been and how the choices we make now echo into the future. Justice reminds us that nothing exists in isolation; our actions and intentions matter, and this month asks us to ensure they are in harmony with the greater good.

As we emerge from the eclipses, many of us may feel unsteady, unsure of how to process the upheavals that have taken place. Eclipse season is notorious for shaking loose what no longer serves us, and this October, we find ourselves navigating through the debris - figuratively and unfortunately for others, quite literally.

Justice stands beside us in this moment, asking us to confront the consequences of recent choices and events. It’s a time for truth—for evaluating where we are out of alignment and seeking to restore balance. The chaos in the world may feel overwhelming, but the energy of Justice offers clarity and discernment, reminding us that the scales are always in motion, seeking equilibrium. On a collective level, this card speaks to the need for fairness, accountability, and a commitment to what is right, even when the path forward feels turbulent.


Finally, the 9 of Cups offers us a gift. Known as the "wish card," it promises emotional fulfillment and the realization of dreams. But in the context of October, this is a reminder that true contentment comes from within. We are being invited to appreciate the abundance already present in our lives, rather than striving endlessly for something more. The 9 of Cups whispers to us that we are deserving of joy and satisfaction, but it also nudges us to reflect on whether our desires are aligned with our higher purpose. Amidst all this upheaval, the 9 of Cups delivers a message of emotional fulfillment and contentment. While the external world may be filled with noise and disorder, this card invites us to cultivate peace within. It reminds us that our personal joy and satisfaction are not entirely dependent on the outer world; we can still find moments of gratitude and contentment despite the chaos. The 9 of Cups encourages us to focus on the abundance we already possess and to remember that true fulfillment comes from within, not from external circumstances.


The Star leads us with hope, Justice calls us to realign with our truth, and the 9 of Cups reminds us that peace and fulfillment are not distant dreams but are accessible here and now if we are willing to embrace them. As the veil thins this month, we are encouraged to look inward, honor our journey, and trust that the universe is working in our favor, even in ways we may not yet fully understand.

In times of upheaval, whether personal or collective, it’s easy to feel like the ground beneath us is constantly shifting. The world feels unbearably unstable, and we may find ourselves questioning our direction, our choices, and even our purpose. The key during these moments is not to resist the change but to recalibrate—to adjust our internal compass in response to the chaos around us.

Recalibration doesn’t mean ignoring the turmoil or pretending everything is fine. Instead, it involves a conscious and mindful effort to find balance and clarity amidst the confusion. To find your North Star again and let it lead you through the dark night. Just as you might realign your body after a stumble, recalibration asks us to realign our thoughts, emotions, and energy to navigate the storm with greater resilience.

By recalibrating our systems of support, we can maintain a sense of groundedness even as the world around us shifts,(and it will shift) - change is our only constant.


*How to Cultivate Hope:

Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for, no matter how small. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what is abundant in your life, helping to spark hope even in difficult moments.

Spending time outdoors can ground you and remind you of life’s natural cycles. Nature shows us that growth, change, and renewal are always happening, offering a sense of hope and perspective.

Break down your bigger aspirations into small, manageable steps. Achieving even the smallest goals builds momentum and reinforces the belief that positive change is possible.

Engage with people, books, and media that uplift and inspire you. Surrounding yourself with positivity reinforces a hopeful mindset and keeps you focused on what’s possible rather than what’s wrong.

Take time to envision the future you want to create. Allow yourself to dream freely, focusing on the feelings and experiences you’d like to manifest. Visualization helps bring a sense of optimism and purpose.

In every situation, there’s something to be learned or gained. Practice looking for the lesson or opportunity in challenges—it reinforces hope by showing that even difficult experiences can lead to growth.

Perform small acts of kindness for others or yourself. Doing good, even in small ways, fosters a sense of connection and purpose, reminding us that we can make a difference, which boosts hope.

Focus on what you can do today rather than worrying about an uncertain future. Staying present helps reduce anxiety and builds a sense of control, which is vital for nurturing hope.

Acknowledge the progress you’ve made, no matter how small. Recognizing your growth and achievements reinforces the belief that you’re capable of overcoming challenges and creating positive outcomes.

Whether it’s writing, painting, or music, creative expression allows you to channel emotions in a productive way. It taps into your imagination and helps reignite a sense of possibility.

Share your thoughts and experiences with others who are also navigating challenges. Knowing you’re not alone and hearing stories of resilience can reignite your own sense of hope.

Redirect your energy toward the things that are within your control. By taking empowered action, no matter how small, you reaffirm your ability to influence your future, which builds hope.

***As I wrote this, my teacher and friends who live in North Carolina, and everyone else who lost so much, weighed heavily on my mind. If you’d like an easy suggestion on how to help, please donate to Helene Relief Funds.

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